Mobile UX
Redesign of resume builder for users with mobile devices, addressing key people and business problems.
🁢 My Role

Generalist Product Designer
Own end-to-end design by finding people and business problems, evaluating technical feasibility, quickly validating proposals, and defining performance metrics and targets.

Overview of my role in the design process:
🁢 Business Problem
Our business problem is that 30% of users come to mobile. However, only 8% of revenue comes from mobile conversion.
🁢 People Problem
Mobile-Friendly Experience:
A large user cohort doesn't have larger screens. This led to looking into accessibility and ADA compliance.

Consistency Across Devices:
A large user cohort does use a larger screen at one point to finish the resume. The resume-building experience should be consistent across devices

Supportive Communication:
Mobile user surroundings are particularly unstable, they are in need of support.
🁢 Before & After
I looked into opportunities to support user's journey and added two additional prior to this (below)
Quickly build confidence:
(Left) I added a screen setting the expectations and using conversational language. This helps reduce anxiety and fear.

User Abandonment:
(Middle) I added a screen to capture the user's email to a. track abandonment, b. allow user to pick up using a different device, and c. re-engage with users if they drop.

Adding two additional screens to the flow makes the user experience longer, but connects to important people and business needs.
New sections organize the templates in a way that makes it easier for users to explore.

Sense of Control:
Color picker provides a sense of control and customization.
Larger text size, higher contrast, and larger touch area for input fields makes page much more accessible.

There's an opportunity to provide more guidance to users, and to give a better sense of control with our pre-written content. 
(Left) I added a new page prior to provide clear and visual context into what to expect next, reducing users' feelings of anxiety.

(Middle) I also separated the job title experience in its own page to reduce cognitive load.

(Right) Having a dedicated page for users to write their job description, makes the interaction of adding our pre-written bullets much easier and more valuable.
Control & Focus:
The content panel has 3 views. 
(First) Collapsed allows a large view to write custom text. Additionally, I added the option to easily drag content around. 
(Second) Halfway is the default view which allows simultaneously adding content and previewing easy. 
(Third) Expanded give full focus on browsing through our content.
A skeleton view of the entire resume was useful but added unnecessary complexity. I removed this feature in favor of a streamlined view of the summary of the Work History with clear call-to-actions.
New Access Points:
I added an option to download and share the resume.
A button to edit content that would take users directly to the correspondent section of the editor.
🁢 Business Outcome
🁢 Learnings
Thank you!
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